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Why Some Companies Fail To Expand Even With Great Product

If you want to increase your customer base and raise earnings, you are thinking about expanding your business. The truth is that growing your business without the right conditions is impossible.

Many factors can cause the expansion to fail.

One of the biggest problems most companies encounter is lack of preparation. Usually, companies are so centered on designing and manufacturing new products or services they delay the hard work of getting their business ready until it is too late.

Unfortunately, many businesses fail as they are not prepared to handle the challenges of growing.

Expanding a business is risky, and successful business owners must have the capacity to bring a product or service to market at a price that meets consumer demand levels.

The ugly truth is that 20% of small businesses fail in the first year and 50% in the next five years.

It is essential to understand what obstacles a business owner might encounter and manage them or avoid altogether. There are four main reasons why business expansion might fail.

1. Lack Of Leadership

It is no secret that most businesses fail within the first three years of starting. The biggest reason why companies fail even with a great product is because of poor management and leadership.

Business owners that lack the leadership skills end up damaging the business. Having emotional intelligence is the key to success.

Please note that entrepreneurs and business owners don’t need all the right skills, but they should invest in developing leadership and management expertise.

Entrepreneurs that are motivated by wrong things attract employees who are motivated by money. Leaders who have a purpose attract staff who will work hard as they share a common goal.

Leadership is not only about the company and employees; it also has a profound impact on the customers.

Most people buy products based on sensitive needs or wants, and great leaders provide emotional reasons to feel great about purchasing a product or service.

The leader’s vision behind the business is critical in the acceptability of a new product or service. The entrepreneur’s leadership skills are one of the most vital factors of a company’s success, besides the business idea.

Bad leadership ends commitment, increases stress levels, reduces motivation, and ultimately destroys businesses.

Ninety-five percent of the time, business expansion fails at one of three things: bad leadership, too much direction, or no supervision. Things rarely fail due to technology, products, or services.

Sadly, they fail because the staff is not committed, motivated, or capacitated.

Business teams must have clear guidance, plans, and the encouragement of their leaders. Usually, businesses that have these three things succeed.

2. Goal Failure

Goal failure is not because of poor planning or lack of time and money. It is due to the lack of growing support.

Most business owners have a goal list, but the average entrepreneur won’t complete the list, not even by the fourth quarter.

Why? Because they don’t transform the environment that stops them from their growth plans.

Many small details can encourage this problem: interruptions, spending time-solving little details, client demands, and employee problems. But there are deeper problems than there are around you.

As an entrepreneur, it is imperative to consider your internal problems.

Factors such as self-doubt, fear of failure, lack of leadership, and belief systems like there’s never enough money or time can undermine your growing expansion.

It is essential to understand that money and time blocks are usually the number one reason why goals are not achieved, and usually, they’re more in your mind than in reality. There is almost always a solution for lack of funds or time, but business owners can’t see it.

Trying to solve these problems prevents you from achieving your goals.

Remember, goal failure is not a consequence of poor planning or lack of time and money; it is always much more profound than that.

3. Lack Of Good Action Plan

If you are thinking about a business expansion having a strategic plan is a necessity. A good action plan is vital in looking to the future and creating a direction intentionally.

Business plans allow company leaders to build their goals based on strategies and the most valued values.

The problem is that most entrepreneurs make a plan, but they are dissatisfied with the results. This means that they know that planning is necessary, but they do not attain the benefits they were hoping for.

The strategic planning process must be a dynamic exercise and not something that’s tolerated.

If staff is not committed, motivated, or engaged, it would be another dull and predictable meeting with a negative impact on the organization’s future success.

One of the main problems is that business owners often write pages and pages of text, making it impossible to follow and implement it by the staff.

A good action plan should be effectively capable of communicating the strategies so team members can carry them out as intended. The vision, process, and goals must be aligned.

The key to writing a good action plan is to create the vision first and then identify a strategy that will get the results you expect.

4. Failure of Strategy Execution

Experts have told for decades that one of the main reasons why growing expansion fails even with an excellent product or service is the failure rates of strategy execution.

Most entrepreneurs are not prepared for the strategic issues they face upon being agreed to leadership roles.

In reality, successfully executing a good strategy is challenging.

A business owner must have an excellent understanding of the problem the company faces when executing the plan. Knowing these problems will help you find the solutions and why strategy execution fails.

Studies have shown that seventy percent of growing efforts fail. The financial losses implied by this are massive.

Unfortunately, leaders realize that implementation is half of the leadership issues when implementing strategic change. Often, they seek solutions in the wrong place.

Bottom Line

Suppose you want to grow and expand your business pace yourself. The best moment to grow your business is when you have solved these problems internally.

Don’t think about expanding your business with growing success.

When your company is ready, going after expansion doesn’t risk disappointing your customers and hurting your brand. Premature business growth would not help in the long run.

Finally, before expanding, take a step back and analyze every element of your company as well as your leadership skills.

Try fixing every problem; that would improve the process. If you don’t take the time to do this, you can magnify your business problems with the expansion.

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Hey, I’m Shone Fone Ng. I’m determined to make a business grow. My only question is, will it be yours?


About Shone Fone

Shone Fone is a Serial Entrepreneur for 10 SMEs since 1997, businesses ranging from equipment supply, manufacturing, equipment maintenance and ISO 17025 calibration service, HRM software development and training. He also an award winning entrepreneur of Asia Pacific Top Excellence Brand – Book of The TOP Recognition.

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Hey, I’m Shone Fone Ng. I’m determined to make a business grow. My only question is, will it be yours?

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