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Next Generation

KPI + Strategy Execution

Software for Business

With DoerHRM, you get to build winning teams that know where they’re going, and how they’re doing it. Ultimately, helping the teams to stay on track and become results-focus. 

Join over 100 of organizations that trust DoerHRM OKR Solution & Training to help maximize their performance!

DoerHRM Software Helps To...


Identify strategies, set clear expectations and execute efficiently with cascaded OKR framework.


Involve the team to set and review KPI regularly, transparent team performance tracking and accompanied by 360 feedback that enhances employees ability.


Start from an employee development program, systematic competency profiling and a 9-box matrix that identifies gaps.


Effective Plan-Progress-Problem status management through daily morning check-in, constant 1-on-1 coaching session, and regular ranking on your progress.

Hi Managers, do your employees have
signs of low motivation?

Through a 14 day FREE Trial of DoerHRM Pro,
know step-by-step guide to learn

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how we train!


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Admired By Wonderful People

I have a great experience using DoerHRM website functions like check-in and OKR. It helps me make my plans well-organized so that it'll be easier for me to achieve my monthly goals. Furthermore, seeing green colour on my progress which indicates that I've managed to complete my work on time somehow makes me feel relieved and happy at the same time. It brings satisfaction to me knowing that I'm closer to achieving my goals.
Nur Amalin Nadyra binti Omar
Nur Amalin Nadyra binti Omar
Such an excellent web-based software as it can note down user's plan for daily and weekly, progress of the work and also any issue or problem encounter. Adding to that, very helpful to team and person in order to achieve the goals successfully.
Nurhidayah Md Lajis
Nurhidayah Md Lajis
First time ever experience using the system and it has help me in my daily planning. It helps me visualize my progress by listing my priorities for daily, weekly and monthly progress. It gives better management for achieving goals and solve problems.
Nukilan Biruni
Nukilan Biruni
We at Nukilan Biruni has started to use this system. To be honest, this system provide so many features more than we need it. As a small company, this system will be helpful for its growth. Thank you William for the guidance!
Anna Tan
Anna Tan
I was shown the system by William. I am impressed to see how comprehensive it is, from strategy build up to cascading key result areas to KPI. This allows employees to have a line of sight how their objectives are linked to the company’s goals and their contribution. Teams have transparency over members’ goals and projects they are working on.
Cheryl Lai
Cheryl Lai
It’s a good session. Being a HRM and one of my key strength is about improving and transforming companies culture and developing organisation behaviours. Sometimes, you face bottle neck moment, this session actually refreshes myself and give me motivation to continue going!
Ammy Syahana Sapie
Ammy Syahana Sapie
First time using this kind of system and it is a good experience. It helps me to manage better in planning for the day. Also I can put up my priorities straight and able to achieve it. I think by using this software, we can actually be better in managing especially when working since it allows a top-down and bottom-up approach among everyone.

Take your business to the next level with DoerHRM!

 The software helps to

Balance Top-Down And Bottom-Up Goals in KPI Performance Management Software

Watch how to implement a winning OKR – Part 1

Balance Top-Down And Bottom-Up Goals

Aligns organisations from the company-wide level down to the level of individual goals.

Watch how to implement a winning OKR – Part 1

“The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight”

"OKRs have helped lead us to 10x growth, many times over."

OKR Strategy Management

An agile OKR system which align and structure goals to create highly productive teams
OKR Strategy Management in KPI Performance Management Software

Watch how to implement a winning OKR – Part 2

Amalin Nadyra
Had been using OKR features to completing my task and it really helpful in order to manage goals that want to achieve for certain period as it have the features to track the task by percentage. Highly recommended to use OKR
Syazana Jef
Had an amazing experience using the DoerHRM System which have the OKR and Check In tools. The OKR helps me to create the timeframe for my work to make sure I can meet the goals and objective and it also have a great tool to set and tracking the progress of the work.
KPI Performance Management in KPI Performance Management Software

KPI Performance Management

A critical Key Performance Indicator for strategic and operational improvement

"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it"

Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

Strategic Action Planning

An empowerment for performance boosting
DoerBlueprint helps to unleash 100% potential of your team by hitting peak performance with Strategic Action Plan, Baseline & Metrics, SWOT analysis and Health Check.
Strategic Action Planning in KPI Performance Management Software

Watch how to implement a winning strategic action plan

“Strategic-operational KPIs alignment gives the organization a powerful tool to use when implementing change.”

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”

Team Management in KPI Performance Management Software

Team Management

A systematic recurring team progress and status reporting
DoerPlan applied PPP methodology to allow constant update on Plans, Progress and Problem within team for speedy management and course corrects.
Thayanandan Samiappan Kandiar
To plan my weekly goals & schedule. This will help me to be accountable for my time and gradually improved my bottleneck in time management

“The use of KPIs is meant to improve and transform the organizational performance.”

Employee Engagement

A multi-rater feedback system for professional personal development
DoerHRM’s 360 Degree Feedback provides powerful and balance point-of-views encouraging prompt positive behaviour change.
Employee Engagement in KPI Performance Management Software

Watch how to develop your employee engagement

Ariff Asraf Ya'acob
I have been using Doer HRM for almost 2 years now and I'm impressed for what happen to my sales performance!. They have been greatly increased despite of during tough times like now , EMCO. This software will keep track my goals of the day, week, month and year. Thus, keep me motivated during my 1-1 with my superior. From that, we keep brainstorm the strategy on every issue we have in order to serve our customers better. Thanks Doer HRM for coming into my life. ❤️
Thayanandan Samiappan Kandiar
Helpful for a superior and their apprentice to be accountable of their conversation and keep track of their plannings needed to be accomplished.
Employee Coaching in KPI Performance Management Software

Employee Coaching

An open-ended session for strengthen mutual relationship
DoerTalk provides a series of sample questions to assist you in the journey of building trust and loving relationship within the team.

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else”

“The man who starts out going nowhere, generally gets there”


Meet DoerHRM's KPI Specialist,
Shone Fone Ng...

Shone Fone is a Serial Entrepreneur for 10 SMEs since 1997, businesses ranging from equipment supply, manufacturing, equipment maintenance and ISO 17025 calibration service, HRM software development and training. He also an award winning entrepreneur of Asia Pacific Top Excellence Brand – Book of The TOP Recognition.

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Will you be the next awesome company to join us?

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DoerHRM KPI Expert

Start using DoerHRM today!

  • A customized program tailored to meet your team’s specific needs and goals.
  • Interactive workshops and activities that promote teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.
  • Expert facilitation by experienced trainers and practitioner who will guide your team through the program.
  • Follow-up support and software system to ensure that your team continues to work effectively together after the program.
Free eBook - The KPI & OKR Strategy to Grow Business Quickly

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