Secrets To Achieve 50% Revenue Growth With 300% Profit Increased

and you too can do it 💪🏻

3pm-4.30pm (MYT)


Company in a bottleneck, slow growth, and employees come to work without enthusiasm?

You are not alone. It is bitter, but once you break through, we promise your money, time, and work are worth it. For us, it is a 50% revenue boost, a 300% profit gain, and a motivated team that works automatically.

Unlock the full potential of your team with our KPI and OKR tracking software

KPI And High Performance Management Workshop 👇🏻

*Seats are strictly limited due to limitations with Zoom. Reserve your spot NOW.

Unlock Your Business Potential: A 45-Minute Guide for SME Owners

What You Will Get?

As A Leader, Do You Face These Challenges?

Who Is This Workshop For?

Learn The 5-Step Process To
Build A High-Performing Team

Module 1: The KPI Action Plan For Creating Teamwork That Deliver Results.
Measuring performance using KPIs is like shining a spotlight on a specific process or business goal.Ideally, you want to nail down the primary driver of a process of business and measure that.

However, you may encounter the biggest challenge related to KPIs … picking the right one. And, how to create and display the KPIs. Things to consider include locating and collecting the data needed to calculate the KPI and tools like Excel or Spreadsheet are labor-intensive and requires a lot of effort to use.

If so, you are not alone. In this module you will learn

✅ What Is A KPI, Metric and Measure?
✅ Selecting The Right KPIs for Your Business
✅ 5 strategic steps for creating KPIs for your team
✅ To perfectly display multiple charts and tables in a dashboard
Module 2: The 5 Pillars and 5 keys to successful Strategy Execution with OKR
Knowing your goals and KPIs are the first step. Next you can avoid the trap, that have caused more than 50% of CEOs to fail in strategy execution, by creating an execution framework for your strategy.

In this module you will learn the easiest way to get your team onboard to execute the strategy together and grow the business. It includes

✅ Observing the Five pillars of strategy execution to ensure a more effective and aligned implementation of key functions to business unit and corporate strategies
✅ How to hone your strategic planning and execution skills
✅ Developing your strategic toolkit
Module 3: How to Be Result Oriented And Create A Motivated Team
Knowledge alone is not enough, you need to know how to effectively present your ideas and persuade your team to be result oriented.

And, money is important for putting food on the table – to meet the basic needs. However, for most of us, money’s more of a sub-motivator than a prime mover when it comes to why we come to work every day.

In this module, you will discover

✅ The most effective way to create a resulted oriented team
✅ 5 benefits of being a results-oriented leader
✅ 7 proven tips for becoming a result-oriented leader
✅ How to really inspire and motivate your employees other than money
Module 4: What is Agile Leadership, and why is it important?
Now that you have the knowledge, guidance and the tools……what is next? You do not want to let your newly gained performance management expertise to collect dust! Apply it in your world, and achieve the result faster and better.

In this module we will show you

✅ The 9 Key Benefits of Using the Agile Methodology
✅ How to Become More Agile
✅ How to Become Agile Coach For your Team: Step-by-Step Guide
Module 5: Your Roadmap To Prosper With Happy Employees And Clients
What step do you take from your current situation to prosper from your aspiration for better performance, better results? How do you escape from the daily grind of exhaustive micro-management and burn out.

This final module is where we take action, join the dots and put everything together. You will

✅ Create your action plan for your ultimate high performing team and improved results.
✅ Learn how to avoid common roadblocks on your path
✅ Learn the key elements of what to focus on first instead of bright shiny distraction.

Register and get this Comprehensive Workshop Includes A 30+ Page KPI & OKR Guide

Free eBook - The KPI & OKR Strategy to Grow Business Quickly

Meet Your Trainer, Shone Fone Ng...

Shone Fone is a Serial Entrepreneur for 10 SMEs since 1997, businesses ranging from equipment supply, manufacturing, equipment maintenance and ISO 17025 calibration service, HRM software development and training. He also an award winning entrepreneur of Asia Pacific Top Excellence Brand – Book of The TOP Recognition.

* Note: There will be no other “assistant” trainers taking over. The entire workshop will be run by Shone Fone.

What People Are Saying Around

Sales Engineer Got Early Alert And Restrategize To Bring In 100K Profit

Project Team Achieved A Stretched Goal With OKR Framework

Sales Director Drive Revenue And Double The Profit By 100%


I have a great experience using DoerHRM website functions like check-in and OKR. It helps me make my plans well-organized so that it'll be easier for me to achieve my monthly goals. Furthermore, seeing green colour on my progress which indicates that I've managed to complete my work on time somehow makes me feel relieved and happy at the same time. It brings satisfaction to me knowing that I'm closer to achieving my goals.
Nur Amalin Nadyra binti Omar
Nur Amalin Nadyra binti Omar
Such an excellent web-based software as it can note down user's plan for daily and weekly, progress of the work and also any issue or problem encounter. Adding to that, very helpful to team and person in order to achieve the goals successfully.
Nurhidayah Md Lajis
Nurhidayah Md Lajis
First time ever experience using the system and it has help me in my daily planning. It helps me visualize my progress by listing my priorities for daily, weekly and monthly progress. It gives better management for achieving goals and solve problems.
Nukilan Biruni
Nukilan Biruni
We at Nukilan Biruni has started to use this system. To be honest, this system provide so many features more than we need it. As a small company, this system will be helpful for its growth. Thank you William for the guidance!
Anna Tan
Anna Tan
I was shown the system by William. I am impressed to see how comprehensive it is, from strategy build up to cascading key result areas to KPI. This allows employees to have a line of sight how their objectives are linked to the company’s goals and their contribution. Teams have transparency over members’ goals and projects they are working on.
Cheryl Lai
Cheryl Lai
It’s a good session. Being a HRM and one of my key strength is about improving and transforming companies culture and developing organisation behaviours. Sometimes, you face bottle neck moment, this session actually refreshes myself and give me motivation to continue going!
Ammy Syahana Sapie
Ammy Syahana Sapie
First time using this kind of system and it is a good experience. It helps me to manage better in planning for the day. Also I can put up my priorities straight and able to achieve it. I think by using this software, we can actually be better in managing especially when working since it allows a top-down and bottom-up approach among everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, since we use the “Freemium” marketing strategy, much as Zoom, Spotify, and Google. We provide excellent value for FREE, and a tiny percentage of customers want to learn more about our premium, paid courses, so everyone benefits.

Although we offer additional premium courses, you are free to choose whether to enrol in any of them. We never contact them at random, send them messages through direct messaging, or apply any kind of pressure. People that want to work with us are the ones we want to work with.

To be clear, throughout the course we spend roughly 10 minutes to outlining courses online that may be of use to you, but the remaining time is crammed with actionable tasks you can do now.

Since there is a tonne of amazing material to cover, there will be prepared breaks every 45 minutes for 5 minutes. You may then move around or get a snack if necessary.

I am aware that the time allotted is not very lengthy, however be assured that our presentation style won’t be a dry lecture. It will be very participatory and entertaining, and many attendees will remark on how quickly the time passes!

To give you a chance to witness a variety of potent methods in action, I will also be doing a number of live demonstrations throughout the day.

However, since the course is online, you may take breaks whenever you please.

No, even while it would be fantastic for me and the other participants to see who they are speaking to, we are aware that some individuals may be at work, travelling, or otherwise unable to have their camera on, which is not at all an issue.

We’re not the kind of business that makes individuals do things they don’t want to do, even if you haven’t taken one of our courses before. We are confident in your intelligence to act in your own best interests.

Of course! The content is based on what’s working right now in the field of KPI and high performance management. It’s based on more than 30 years of experience from

  • Renown KPI consultants David Parmentor insightful approach,
  • Dean Spitzer spot-on new ways of thinking about performance management , and
  • My entire team’s experience and from me studying and applying the principle of winning KPI, OKR and agile leadership to grow my companies revenue to exceed RM10 million mark,
  • And training hundreds of executives, managers and entrepreneurs.

In short, it’s based on strategies that get results 😊

My commitment to you is that it will not be boring theory, material you’ve already heard, or a long sales pitch. Those events upset me as well.

Throughout the 90 minutes, you will receive enormous value and develop valuable skills and knowledge. And the 50-page guidebook we send you will be absolutely packed of valuable notes, insights, and gold nuggets.

You will learn how to use KPIs to provide targets for teams to shoot for, milestones to gauge progress, and insights that help people across the organization make better decisions.

There are 2 reasons, we focus in helping companies with

1. Experience⁠—we’ve been doing this since 2019 and have trained over 100 companies both in Malaysia and abroad.

We have applied what we teach onto our group of companies and we achieved tremendous success.

In short, you will achieve faster results with us because we know what works and what will just be a waste of your time.

2. We give people the step-by-step structure to achieve results.

We found many other companies will give you the high level of what to do, but can’t break it down into actual steps you can follow and progress to get results.

We have step-by-step processes to discover your company strength and weakness to formulate strategy, step-by-step processes to develop KPIs and OKRs that aligned to critical success factors of the strategy, step-by-step processes to engage the teams, track progress, hold checkpoint meeting confidently and provide effective coaching to the teams to get results.

I am a Serial Entrepreneur for 10 SMEs since 1997, businesses ranging from equipment supply, manufacturing, equipment maintenance and ISO 17025 calibration service, HRM software development and training. I am also an award winning entrepreneur of Asia Pacific Top Excellence Brand – Book of The TOP Recognition.

I am father of 4 amazing sons and husband to a lovely wife.

Whereas, DoerHRM is a unique human resource management software we start to develop in 2019, that help company to align measures with strategy and doing KPI + OKR measurement right, which can transform any organisation. It has helped my companies to breakthrough the RM10 mil mark.

As a practitioner on growing businesses and building high performing culture I am serving as a CEO, a coach and a trainer in creating transformation in companies.

I look forward to assisting you on your journey also 🙂

I love personal and business development and I am fortunate enough to do what I love. I want to pay this forward and give you this opportunity to possibly see the true potential in KPI and high performance management. I believe in giving, because I believe what goes around comes around.

Besides, I enjoy sharing what I know, my experience, my success and failure to help entrepreneurs, managers and executives to be their best, and be the leader of change to build a better business and a better world.

Also, I don’t like seeing people and company not realising their potential because of either:

a) They don’t know enough. We want to help you fill in these gaps in your knowledge.

b) They think things are true about KPI and management that aren’t true at all. We want to tell you the truth about high performance management and how to make it happen.

Here is a sample lecture I talk about How to Develop KPIs for Business decision (3 MAIN Fundamentals). More are available in our premium member section.

The agenda for the workshop is as below. It includes 1 break for the 90 min workshop and topics we cover such as:

+ The KPI Action Plan For Creating Teamwork That Deliver Results.
+ The 5 Pillars and 5 keys to successful Strategy Execution with OKR
+ How To Be Result Oriented While Getting The Team Motivated
+ How To Present Your Ideas And Your Team Are Committed To Achieve
+ How To Prosper With Happy Employees
+ And Much More! 😊

Definitely not, no. Shone Fone Ng will be the lone speaker—there won’t be a lineup of individuals pitching various goods. We too detest such workshops.

No, we have no connection to any of these things. We are an organization that focuses on education.

The content is based on my combined more than 25 years of research, countless of trainings attended and coaching received, hundreds of case studies and hands-on experience in helping my teams to breakthrough RM10 mil revenue mark in 2022, while making a difference and a living doing what we love.

It’s also based on my experience of quitting my day jobs as Sales and Application Engineer in 1997 and starting Obsnapgroup and then going on to win entrepreneur of Asia Pacific Top Excellence Brand – Book of The TOP Recognition in 2015 – 2017

You may register for and attend as many workshops as you’d like. Even if you attended one of the dates, it doesn’t imply you can’t attend the subsequent one. Since there won’t be a recording, it’s a fantastic opportunity to review what you’ve learned or make up for material you missed. Thus, feel free to register once again if you so like.

There is no recording available, but you may attend one of our many LIVE sessions.