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What Is OKR? Exploring the Essence of OKR

A Simple Guide​

Hi Managers, do your employees have signs of low motivation?

Understanding OKRs

OKRs—Key Results and Objectives—present a surprisingly simple and powerful OKR management tool. Since the first article on the concept and first practice of OKRs, more and more companies are adopting the tool because it provides a sustainable system for managing goals. With the right approach, the use of OKRs can provide a wealth of information.

OKR Software Guide

Organizations of all sizes and across all industries are constantly seeking for new methods to improve performance. Setting organisational, departmental, and individual objectives to plan where you want to go is a generally acknowledged practise, but many organisations use a top-down goal-setting framework that frequently gets stuck in the phase of deciding what goals to establish rather than going on to accomplishing those goals. 

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Hey, I’m Shone Fone Ng. I’m determined to make a business grow. My only question is, will it be yours?



About Shone Fone

Shone Fone is a Serial Entrepreneur for 10 SMEs since 1997, businesses ranging from equipment supply, manufacturing, equipment maintenance and ISO 17025 calibration service, HRM software development and training. He also an award winning entrepreneur of Asia Pacific Top Excellence Brand – Book of The TOP Recognition.

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winning teams with KPI?

Hey, I’m Shone Fone Ng. I’m determined to make a business grow. My only question is, will it be yours?

Organizations of all sizes and across all industries are constantly seeking for new methods to improve performance. Setting organisational, departmental, and individual objectives to plan where you want to go is a generally acknowledged practise, but many organisations use a top-down goal-setting framework that frequently gets stuck in the phase of deciding what goals to establish rather than going on to accomplishing those goals. 

What is OKR? - A Comprehensive Overview

OKRs—Key Results and Objectives—present a surprisingly simple and powerful management tool. Since the first article on the concept and first practice of OKRs, more and more companies are adopting the tool because it provides a sustainable system for managing goals. With the right approach, the use of OKRs can provide a wealth of information.

What is OKRs common mistake?

What is OKRs best practice?

What is OKR for company?

Company OKRs are strategic goals that are set by your CEO or equivalent. You can then set your team’s OKR which is a subset of the company’s. Your company’s OKRs are directional, which means you’ll have a time span of 1 to 3 years. The company OKRs define the company’s direction. They define the what, the why, the how, and the when. For an example of what is OKR for company:

What is OKR to achieve company’s target?

Objective: Achieve target annual revenue/profit record

Key Result 1: Hit quarterly revenue of over __

Key Result 2: Increase gross profit from __% to __%

Key Result 3: Expand company’s market to __ countries / areas

What is OKR for leadership?

Leadership team plays a critical role in building and sustaining a successful OKR program for their organization. Incorporating key results in a leadership team’s daily decision making grants a valuable insight into how well the team is going to meet the key company objectives. A well-developed key results system is key to unlocking success in a company’s key objectives. Below are the examples of what is okr for leadership team:

What is OKR for Top Management?

What is OKR to raise new capital for company growth?

Objective: Able to raise new capital for company growth

Key Result 1: To get at least 1 minute calls meeting

Key Result 2: Outreach of 50 VCs and seeds funds in email

Key Result 3: To close an investment round with the minimum of __

What is OKR for Financial Manager?

What is OKR to improve annual budgeting and business planning

Objective: Improve annual budgeting and business planning

Key Result 1: To identify 50 potential prospects

Key Result 2: Analyze 5 possible touch point through personalized messages

Key Result 3: Identify at least 10 insights of customer experience through communicate and link with prospects

What is OKR for Product Manager?

What is OKR to launch a new version of the main product?

Objective: Launch a new version of the main product

Key Result 1: At least of __ news signup users

Key Result 2: Sign-up ratio at over __%

Key Result 3: Sign-up ratio of trial version over __ %

What is OKR for team?

Team OKRs specify the strategies that will be used and the outcomes that must be achieved in order for the company to accomplish its long-term objectives. Everyone has a hectic schedule, and unexpected events may arise, but whatever is expressed in your OKRs should take precedence over anything else. Below are examples of what is okr for each team in an organization:

What is OKR for Sales & Marketing team?

What is OKR to improve product and presentation content?

Objective: Make the information of the product and presentation content clear and concise

Key Result 1: Check and test the information several times to confirm user able to understand

Key Result 2: Prepare & plan well for every presentation

Key Result 3: Receive 100 survey answers annually about product users experience

What is OKR for Finance & Accounting team?

What is OKR to improve annual budgeting?

Objective: Improve annual budgeting

Key Result 1: To have close communicate with each division manager

Key Result 2: Have a daily/weekly planning session

Key Result 3: To close every final budget on every last day of each month

What is OKR for Production team?

What is OKR to implement 360-degree product development system?

Objective: Implement 360-degree product development system

Key Result 1: Assign respective responsibility to sales, marketing, and R & D departments

Key Result 2: Establish input/output management process for sales, marketing and R & D

Key Result 3: Integrate user testing into all activities during product R & D

Key Result 4: Integrate user Beta testing into first 3 month of pre-launch period

What is OKR for Human Resource Management team?

What is OKR to promote company’s culture and values?

Objective: Define and promote company culture and values

Key Result 1: Survey all employees on company values with min 80% response rate

Key Result 2: With 6 well mixed teams, to brainstorm and to redefine company culture

Key Result 3: Promote company values in the office

What is OKR for Administrative & Operations team?

What is OKR to improve document management?

Objective: Improve internal document management

Key Result 1: Implement Google Drive as new document sharing platform

Key Result 2: 6 teams are to create directory structure for documents respectively

Key Result 3: Move 60% of existing documents from file servers to Google Drive

What is OKR for Customer Service team?

What is OKR to keep customers up to date?

Objective: Keep our customers up to date with product updates

Key Result 1: Sending 3 product update newsletters to customers

Key Result 2: Write 4 blog articles/month on new product features

Key Result 3: Review 100% product user experience once every quarter

What is OKR for Design team?

What is OKR to promote company as the best employer for design team?

Objective: Promote company as the best employer for design team

Key Result 1: Joining 1 external design competitions quarterly

Key Result 2: Publish 1 open source design quarterly and reward the team

Key Result 3: Organize 1 designer meet-ups party in the office quarterly

What is OKR for Software Engineering team?

What is OKR to improve data security system?

Objective: Review and improve data security system

Key Result 1: Ensure 100% Implementation of application and data backup policies

Key Result 2: Research and review security policies of 3 leading companies in the industry

Key Result 3: Deploy in Microsoft Azure to help guarantee 99.9% uptime

What is OKR for Training/Education team?

What is OKR to create employees training?

Objective: Create an academy of the internal employee

Key Result 1: Understand the need and gaps in between all team leaders through survey

Key Result 2: Analyze at least __ training modules and come out with creative content of each

Key Result 3: Research and understand how the other companies educate their internal employee

What is OKR for an individual?

An individual OKR is a goal set for an employee or manager that evaluates success using metrics that are relevant and meaningful to the person. Every company should first determine whether individual OKRs are acceptable for their teams before implementing OKR. Individual objectives should be specific, time-bound, achievable and based on the business impact of their work. Below is the example of what is OKR for an individual:

What is OKR to improve individual’s work pace?

Objective: Increase my work pace

Key Result 1: Reach 70% of the goals set for the month

Key Result 2: Work twice as much as the previous month

I hope you enjoy reading this blog post.
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